Who is Kenny?
Now, you may be asking, “What’s with the name? KennyCon? Is that a South Park reference?” No. It is not.
You see, years before Dan and Aaron started hosting their monthly board game night, Aaron lived in Texas, and often played games with his friend Kenny. Kenny is an awesome guy. But like every hero in a story, he has a flaw…Kenny likes to talk (almost as much as Aaron).
So, they would be playing a game, and eventually it would be Kenny’s turn. Kenny would pick up the dice, start shaking them, and then start relating an anecdote or telling a story. This would inevitably lead to someone saying, “Quit shakin’ the dice, Kenny!” Kenny would comply, dice would roll, and the game would continue.
Years ago, Aaron related this story to his current gaming group. Out of that, it became tradition to refer to someone by the name Kenny if they were taking too long on their turn.
“Let’s go, Kenny!” —- “Your turn, Kenny!” —- Or even just…”Hey! Quit shaking the dice.”
It’s just a little bit of extra fun that gets a lot of mileage among the group. So honor the legend of Kenny, share in the fun of our “inside” joke, and keep those Kenny’s playing!