• Jeremy

    Jeremy Cottingham


    Born at a very young age, Jeremy has loved games since childhood. After conquering Life and a year long winning streak on Scattergories, Jeremy felt unfulfilled in the gaming arena. Then, in high school, he was introduced to hobbyist gaming when he discovered Risk.

    Now, as EDoAP for KennyCon, Jeremy lends experience gathered from attending over 47,000 conferences. A life-long gamer, his job is make sure that KennyCon is the best con it can be.

  • Dan

    Dan Perritte


    Born in Germany, Dan grew up playing such games as “Wirf mir eine Schnitzel zu!” (Throw Me a Snitzel) and “Brezel Tycoon” (Pretzel Tycoon). He immigrated to the states at a young age, and, as an adult, discovered he had a passion for hobbyist board games.

    When it’s time to bring the fun, and to crank up the volume, our Chief Communications Officer (or Chief of Maximum Volume, as he is sometimes referred) always steps up. His enthusiasm and support make KennyCon happen.

  • Aaron

    Aaron Butler


    A native of Texas, Aaron does believe that bigger is better. In fact, he once ate a REALLY big corndog. And if having a couple of friends over to play games is good, why not have 20 friends over? And if that turns out to be hit, why not organize an entire convention?

    Full of big ideas, great depths of positivity, a good deal of hot air, and a Will Rogers approach to people, Aaron rallies the troops to make things come together. Pretty much the only thing he takes seriously, is not taking things too seriously.